EbSynth at SIGGRAPH in LA

General / 30 July 2019

Great news - The tech behind #EbSynth will be presented as a technical paper at SIGGRAPH on Thursday. I am excited, along with the whole team, to be a part of this conference.
If you are around, don't miss it!

#siggraph2019 SIGGRAPH Conferences


General / 24 July 2019

Spend your money wise. Don't buy art but rather, buy some icecream for your kids - then buy art.

Another Ebsynth test

General / 18 July 2019

Here you can see how the complex character movement can be stylized by example painting through #Ebsynth app.
Check also various #Ebsynth tests together on my artstaion site https://www.artstation.com/javoraj
You can download the app here https://ebsynth.com/

New Ebsynth result

General / 11 July 2019

Here is another result with Ebsynth!
I was trying to stylize live action and transfer actor's acting into painted portrait of him. Great thing is, with this process I have a freedome to choose almost any setting and look or lighting I want. Because I'll just paint it over! It's great how Ebsynth can tranfer even subttle movements and keep that lively feel.
You should try it out, go and download it here https://ebsynth.com/ 

Releasing Ebsynth - first and free app for motion paintings!

General / 06 July 2019

Finally it comes true!
First app for "motion painting" it's here and it's free!
That is what I was working on with my friends for a while. And we are releasing it out for anybody. It's a new technique giving new possibilities. Although still an alpha kind of release it works and demonstrate the process. You should definitely try, because I am super curious about your feedback.
Everything needed you'll find here: https://ebsynth.com 
I will inform you about the next development in this blog. Stay tunned!

study and experimentation

General / 13 January 2019

deer girl sketch

General / 06 January 2019

Thinking about some new character... searching for ideas about deer girl/woman. Do you have any?

studying and experimenting

General / 26 August 2018

Alice - face test

General / 09 July 2018

sketching - testing - experimenting - studying

General / 06 July 2018