Working on something new

General / 30 June 2020

Working on the new scene - still designing the character. My plan is to use Ebsynth later, to make it live!  Let's see what's gonna happen... 



IFCC 2020

General / 18 May 2020

I will be at IFCC 2020 this year! I am going to talk about my works and present some neat techniques. As well as little sneak peek of new Ebsynth functionality. I hope you will join with me on this online festival!

If you're thinking about getting a ticket you can get 35% off with this code: ifcc2020online#2mypeople

New project - Futuristic street animation concept art

General / 14 May 2020

Something new

General / 10 May 2020

Currently working on something new, sending a little teaser here. It's gonna be another exploration of Ebsynth in animated concept art production. Stay tunned.

#Ebsynth #SecretWeapons

Paint, experiment, study

General / 09 March 2020

Dark girl - EBS result

General / 18 October 2019

New test with Ebsynth for Inktober. Enjoy!

Back to the black

General / 02 October 2019

Visit in Riot

General / 11 September 2019

We visited Riot Games in LA - truly amazing place for all the game lovers and creative souls!
We were sharing our experince with animation and various workflows and talking about future collaboration. I would like to thank all the people hosting us. It was relly inspirational!


I visited Disney Animation & Disney Studio

General / 13 August 2019

I visited Disney Animation & Disney Studios in LA. We were sharing our recent work and discussing potential collaboration. Big thanks to all for showing me this amazing dream factory. When you see places where Disney's classics and new hits have been created, with all the qualified people around, you feel the talent in the walls of the building itself. ❤️

Siggraph 2019

General / 04 August 2019

Last week at SIGGRAPH Conferences was full of new tech and ideas. It was a real pleasure for me and Secret Weapons to present our tool #EbSynth in scientific community. I was glad to meet people from RedshiftAutodeskWeta DigitalAdobeUbisoft and many others. We all have a great time. Thank you Siggraph! ❤️