They are coming

General / 28 January 2022

Reworked scene from the Paranormal studio projects.

Alchemist - painting and animation tests

General / 25 January 2022

Black Baron - experiments with painting and motion

General / 24 January 2022

Given sword

General / 19 January 2022

Experimenting and study with brushes and painting



General / 17 January 2022

Crusaders - experimenting with colors and painting

Knight detail

General / 14 January 2022

Knight detail - experimenting with painting and animation

Black swordsman

General / 13 January 2022

Study and experimentation with painting



General / 11 January 2022

Sometimes "unfinished" painting feels the best for me. It's hard to add details then...


General / 10 January 2022

study and experimentation with painting

Windy trees - painting and animation experiments

General / 06 January 2022